FMA.HK has done it again. They produced one of the most desirable laser aiming modules that there is. And with the expansion of NVG use this IR laser will help a lot when engaging those pesky intruders in the night.


FMA TB1311 NEW peq 14(2) FMA TB1311 NEW peq 15(1) FMA TB1311 NEW peq 16(2)

Manufacturer: FMA
Weight: 205 g
Use 1 3V CE123A battery (unmatched)
Instructions of the restore function version PEQ la5-c:
AH – laser light (strong light) single press single light, double – click two constant light
AL – laser light (weak light) single – click single light, double – click constant light
O — off
IR gear – switch IR gear
AL -IR (right) light and weak light single press single, double – click constant light
DL file — auxiliary illumination IR (left) and IR (right) on, auxiliary illumination IR flickering weak light, IR weak light), single press single light, double click constant light
AH file –IR (right) bright strong light single press single light, double double light
IH – auxiliary lighting IR (left) and IR (right) on, auxiliary lighting IR flickering weak light, IR weak light), single press single light, double click constant light
DH gear – auxiliary lighting IR (left) and IR (right) on, auxiliary lighting IR flashing strong light, IR strong light), single press single light, double click constant light

FMA TB1311 NEW peq 1 FMA TB1311 NEW peq 3 FMA TB1311 NEW peq 2

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