IWA 2017 – DAY 3 REPORT – Vega Force Company

Vega Force Company was this year preset at the IWA show. And their booth had one of the most visually appealing airsoft guns. They presented their new line of accessories and some really nice guns.

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Here you can see the gearbox internals. And the used materials are top quality. So when buying VFC you really are not making any compromises.

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And here it is. Their new Avalon Leopard Carbine in a lovely red colour. This gun really is awesome.

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It features their new collapsible stock.

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Which has a lot of battery space.

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Really one of a kind design. Just the right shade of red to be pleasant to the eye and if you take in to account that the internals are top notch then your domination on the airsoft field is guaranteed.

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Other rifles on display are not so flashy but they are distinctly VFC made. If you own one you know what I am talking about. It just feels solid and exceptionally well made.

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They were also sporting one of my favourite guns and that is Robinsons XCR.

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All in all the visit to their booth was a lovely experience from which I gained even more understanding of the inner workings and how much work goes in to production of quality AEG rifles.

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