Despite being a rather unsuccessful model at the time of the conception (its second coming in last couple of years validated its true worth) M14 can be called an iconic weapon. A direct descendant from legendary M1 Garand, this product of Springfield Armory has been produced in huge numbers. Its success as civilian sport and hunting rifle is only confirmed and reinforced by Law Enforcement and Military use.

New Springfield Armory Scout Squad Rifle Chambered in .308. Fast becoming a law enforcement favorite, the M1A Scout Squad rifle with forward mounted optical sight base provides an excellent platform for the Aimpoint military sight. Benefits are vastly improved target acquisition and unobstructed access to the receiver mechanism. Additional features include a quick handling 18″ barrel, proprietary muzzle stabilizer and black fiberglass stock.
Description courtesy of Springfield Armory

Is is not in danger of breaking (under normal circumstances, at least). A bit beefier heat shield would be preferred. Quick fact checking over Internet offers an explanation that at least GI Rifle heat shields are made out of hi temp polymer with fiberglass strands, so the CA’s heat shield looks the part.

Sling sviwels are fixed type and while they are functional, there are located bit awkwardly. Thankfully, there is plenty of excellent three point slings, which will facilitate as comfortable and versatile carrying as possible.

Safety is located in the best place possible – trigger guard. You need to insert finger, flip the switch to forward position and start shooting.
As with all M14 sights, they are very good. Rear sight is adjustable by elevation and windage. Both knobs are very stiff and reassuringly click into position. Front blade type sight is windage adjustable and is copy of Smith Enterprise M14 Tritium Bar Combat Sight , naturally, without tritium insert. Its dovetail configuration allows windage adjustment according to users’ preference.

Level of details on CA M14 Scout is very good Some more obscure features are well replicated. For instance gas valve spindle moves; gas cylinder plug is removable. This shows dedication in replicating even smallest features.

And now something completely different- mechanical features.

Compared to the Marui gearbox, I’d say that I prefer this version of the gearbox over Marui. It is simpler, but to each its own, I guess.
Gearbox is very heavy and its linear configuration is relatively uncommon, at least when compared with more usual V2/V3 gearboxes. Upon closer inspection we see that there is no slot for the cylinder, which makes closing the gearbox little more awkward than usually.

In comparison with Chinese M14 gearboxes this one is much better in presentation and in overall quality. There is no imperfections and impression of the quality (no white nylon parts!) is there. Also, speed of work is also in favour of this type of gearbox. It may be a bit of redundant, but Classic Army gearboxes are every bit as good as their competition.

Test item provided by Action Sport Games