I very like to make a full circle when we first announce and than review a replica. Boyi’s Karabiner Kar98K is a replica of Mauser K98k. And this review will try to answer to the age old question: is it worth its asking price? Why, yes it is.
K (“kurz” aka short) version of Mauser was adopted in 1935 and is direct descendant of Mauser Gewehr 98. Idea of bolt action rifle as military weapon is fairly simple: it uses a heavy, large calibre bullet, with maximum range well over 2000 meters. This principle was adopted by all armies at the time and in the First World War and German Imperial Army used Mauser 1898. Mauser Karabiner 98 Kurz (Kar98k) is somewhat shorter version, adopted by German Wehrmacht. And after 6 blood soaked years, it gained a reputation. Morbid history aside, Kar98k is nowadays an excellent hunting and sports rifle.
Karabiner K98K was copied by pretty much anyone, including Yugoslavia. I have a considerable experience with its Yugoslav copy (clone), called M48. Smell of evaporating Cosmoline will stick with me forever…

Also, there is almost no creaking, despite plastic furniture. Sling sviwels are there and original Kar98k’s sling should fit like a glove.

Bolt is easily removable via small lever on the side.

Rear sight is adjustable to (very optimistic) 2000 meters by increments of hundred meters. Adjustable HopUp (small Hex screw for adjustment is enclosed in the package) is located under rear sight.
Sight picture takes some time to get used to it. While not being counter intuitive, it is still an old school system, which takes some practice to be really proficient with.

Replica has output speeds of average 90 m/s with .20g BBs. Output is fairly consistent, shots are all placed in 25 cm x 25 cm rectangle at 40 meters.
As you probably guessed by now, this replica requires a bolt cycling every time in order to fire. Action is straightforward (a bit of a pun there)- bolt handle is lifted, pulled back, pushed forward and bolt handle again lowered into position. Replica is cocked and ready to fire.
Safety is located on the rear of the bolt and is engaged if the lever is flipped to the right.

BBs are simply pushed into position and shells are inserted into internal magazine. Its capacity is five rounds (or in our case shells). Please note that the fifth shell may require more force to be pushed into position.

As there is lot of movement, clean and lube moving parts. Shells are launched out of the replica and may land in the dirt. Before you use them again, make sure that they are clean enough so you don’t introduce dirt into the mechanism.

It is nothing wrong to periodically check, clean and lube magazine spring and magazine follower. Remember, there is lot of movement and friction.

Test item provided by Rsov