Boyi/Dboys is one of the more profiled names in the ranks of the Chinese manufacturers. What is the deal with the double name? After some research, I was offered an explanation that this is the same company: replicas are sold as Boyi and accessories under Dboys name. They introduced themselves in the mid 2006 with parts and accessories; replicas of M4 family followed, which established them among more visible Chinese manufacturers.
As mentioned, CASV is a free floating system, which is very much beneficial for accuracy of weapons, equipped with CASV fore grip. In layman terms, this means that barrel not in contact with fore grip, which is beneficial to the accuracy. In airsoft, that spells trouble. Double trouble, if plastic body is used. It is a plus that Boyi CASV front end is extremely rigid and moves minimally. Solution is ingenious, but in rather primitive: two screws, which hold CASV rails are long enough to press against the barrel as additional stabilisation. This results in stable front portion of the replica, even several rough encounters with the trees.
Finish on the metal parts of the replica is soft and it chips easily; this should come as no surprise, as it is a fairly standard feature of Chinese made replicas. Die-casting of the metal parts is very acceptable; rails on the CASV interface are even, with sharp edges.
Stock is law enforcement type and buffer tube has 5 points of retraction. Plastic parts are again nicely made, not too shiny, with slight texture.
Sling is useful, as it is made out of thick nylon. While it is fairly ordinary three point sling it is a part of the package and you need not to spend additional money to purchase one. It has few minor niggles (plastic D rings have tendency to turn on the side) but this are really minor problems.
And now for the weak link in the mechanics of Boyi M4 CASV. Motor appears as very weak and is prime candidate for the change. Coupled with barely satisfactory original battery it has trouble maintaining a decent rate of fire.
As always, there is question who is potential buyer of this replica. For one, those who like the aesthetics of CASV equipped replica for sure; secondly, players who need second replica and maybe use it as loaner. In any case, it is wise to test it and to correct possible problems. Another word of caution- until recently, Boyi replicas were a bit of hit and miss. Their track record is much better with metal bodied replicas.
Gearbox is very good, internal parts are of good quality. No complaints there.
There you have it. Final verdict? If you look down on products from China mainland- stop it and stop it now. They are breathing on the neck of the first tier manufacturers and all they need is a bit of quality control- and they will be as good as them. At one third of the price.
Test item provided by CRW Airsoft