Deepfire made name with titanium teethed pistons. These products are reliable and resist well to the usual wear and tear. Over the time, Deepfire introduced a number of parts, mostly for V2 gearbox. Business plan is simple- make your name with high quality small, but vital parts and when your catalog is thick enough it is fairly easy to assemble a proper replica. Deepfire followed this tried and tested plan and announced their entrance on the AEG market. As you all very well know, AEG market is over saturated and any newcomer must show quite a lot in order to be successful in such competitive and often even cutthroat environment.

We were kindly given the opportunity to review shortest version with 7″ barrel. Replica is visually very pleasing and shoots well, but before we go any further – a warning, which we will repeat several times in order to properly sink in: this is not a final version of the replica, but rather a prototype. It is not entirely finished and end product may differ from reviewed one.

Muzzle brake replicates Noveske KH3 muzzle brake. This can be seen as logical solution as this is replica of short barreled M4, which generally have considerable trouble in keeping up reliable full auto fire. Piggy break helps in maintaining an ample supply of gases, needed for full auto operation. In airsoft this is naturally only an accessory.

Magazine is typical HiCap, with no special features. Note- MagPul on the first picture is not a part of the package.

Gearbox is 6mm V2 with oil less bushings. Piston uses aluminum head, which is mounted on full metal teeth piston. Teeth are coated with Titanium. Internal parts are complemented with metal spring guide.
Anti-reversal latch is also Titanium coated, as is torque gear set with Deepfire markings.
Last, but not least- HopUp chamber is metal, with one piece design.

Another important feature is that this one is loud. Very loud (for AEG, at least). Short barrel, metal piston head and Noveske type muzzle brake very loud and intimidating. From the practical point of view, nothing but praise.

Test item provided by Deepfire