
FireSupport has some news regarding customers from other European countries. When you are purchasing items from FireSupport and you are not from England then your replica will be sent to you as it is. Bright colouring of replica is mandatory only for UK.


Please note that we sell products all over the Europe and the World

If you buy a gun then it is sent in the original colour, Black, Tan, OD etc

The SPRAYING of Guns is ONLY a requirement for UK customers who are not members of a game site.

Shipping rates to europe can be seen here



And some happy news for those that competed in FB event. Those are the winners.


32 prizes over 31 days

All internet orders qualify in the draw.

32 prizes. Total prize value £3500
Every day a winner is drawn from the qualifying orders that day.
At the end of the month all qualifying entries from the whole month then go into a final draw to win a Marui DEVGRU upgraded woth over £700
Gun prizes in UK can only go to members of insured airsoft sites or UKARA registered players, rest of Europe can win any prize

(additional postage will be needed from non UK mainland winners).

Prize winners and prizes announced on facebook every day.

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